I have yet to meet a black woman who did not regularly wear her hair in braids as a girl. Certainly, we got relaxers and hot-combed to death for church and special occasions, but our go-to styles for every day wear always involved braid hairstyles of some sort. From cornrows to twists with barrettes on the end, having your locs fashioned into a braided style was something every black child had to endure. And while I am a proponent of “Free the black child” movement, meaning I do not believe we should give a black child’s hair priority over living her fun carefree life, I also think it’s a cultural right of passage for every black girl to have her braided in fun intricate styles.

In this Kids Braids Hairstyles app, You can find most trending and interesting Braided Hairstyles for Kids.
Click Free Download and Install now!